Category Archives: DBA

What Does a DBA Do?

Data and Technology Today

If you are currently a DBA, the title of this entry probably made you scoff. But not everyone knows what a DBA is, does, or why they are needed. Wouldn’t it be in your best interest as a DBA if your job were better understood and appreciated?

Every organization that manages data using a database management system (DBMS) requires a database administration group to oversee and assure the proper usage and deployment of the company’s data and databases. With the growing mountain of data and the need to organize that data effectively to deliver value to the business, most modern organizations use a DBMS for their most critical data. So, the need for database administrators (DBAs) is greater today than ever before. However, the discipline of database administration is not well understood or universally practiced in a coherent and easily replicated manner.

Implementing a DBA function in your organization requires…

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DBA Roles & Responsibilities: Constantly Changing

Data and Technology Today

One of the biggest challenges I see these days for DBAs is the ongoing redefinition of their job roles and responsibilities. Oh, most people know the rudimentary aspects of the job, namely keeping your organization’s databases and applications running up to par. The DBA has to be the resident DBMS expert (whether that is DB2, Oracle or SQL Server, or most likely a combination of those). He or she has to be able to solve thorny performance problems, ensure backups are taken, recover and restore data when problems occur, design physical databases from logical models, make operational changes to database structures and, really, be able to tackle any issue that arises that is data-related.

All of these roles continue to be requirements of the job, but that is no longer sufficient for most organizations. The DBA is expected to take on numerous additional — mostly technical — roles. These can…

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DBA: Development Versus Production

DBA: Development Versus Production!

Data and Technology Today

There are many different ways to look at database administration. It can be done by task, by discipline, by DBMS, by server, and so on. But one useful way to look at DBA is in terms of the type of support being delivered to applications. You can paint a broad brush stroke across the duties of the DBA and divide them into two categories: those that support development work and those that support the production systems.

Development DBA

Development DBA works supports the application development lifecycle. In a development environment, there is no immediate impact to business because the application/database is not yet operational. The impact to business is eventual — in terms of the quality of the applications that are being built by the developers and supported by the development DBA.

The development DBA focuses on tasks related to building an effective, usable database environment to support business applications…

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